Could Your Heating System Make You Ill?

residential heating and air conditioning maintenance in Bryan/College StationPeople around the country rely on their home’s heating system to stay comfortable throughout the year. Drops in temperatures are regularly attributed to illness, so it makes complete sense we’d want to maintain a warm and comfortable degree within our home.The problem is, the thing designed to keep you healthy, could in fact be making you sick if it is not well taken care of. Here’s a few things to consider if you’re not feeling well as your home’s furnace is pumping out heat.

Leaking Fumes

Heating systems can leak deadly carbon monoxide and other dangerous fumes if a leak occurs in its exhaust system. It is important that you equip your house with a carbon monoxide sensor to determine if there is a problem within your home. Annual HVAC maintenance can help detect and prevent issues like these from every occurring.

Dusty Vents & Allergens

If your HVAC system’s vents are not regularly cleaned it is very probable they will suffer from a build up of dust, allergens and other outside contaminants being sucked in by the system. As air travels through your home’s vents and is distributed around your house it will spray this debris into the air, thus lowering your indoor air quality. A variety of health concerns can come of this, so be sure to have your home’s vents cleaned regularly.

Historical Precedent

OK, this is an issue not directly associated with your HVAC system, but warming in general. It’s widely believed that our ancestors, who lived without the comforts of a home heating system, had much stronger immune systems because of their continual exposure to the elements. So while the outside temperature cools but the internal temperature stays the same, you’re effectively altering your body’s natural ability to determine how to react to cold temperatures. Other research even shows that dropping the thermostat a few degrees can even help with weight loss, as the cooler air can force your metabolism to work harder.

So does all this mean that we should abandon our modern comforts? Heck no! It means that we should care for these systems and make sure they are always in good working order and clean of any debris and contaminants. The benefits of staying comfortable far outweigh the risk of shutting off your heater!

If it is time for annual residential heating and air conditioning maintenance in Bryan/College Station reach out to the team at R.M. Mullinix A/C & Heating. We can perform any HVAC maintenance or repair to keep your system running as best as possible. Give us a call at 979-822-4079 to schedule professional HVAC service in Bryan/College Station today.

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